Wednesday 20 March 2013

Emeka Ike: “I’m Against Gay Marriage, Nigerians Should Stop Copying Foreign Culture”

Emeka Ike takes a stand against gay at Vchannel’s Celebrity Night out’.
Popular Nollywood actor, Emeka Ike, who is on self-imposed sabbatical from the industry recently took a stand against legalizing gay marriage in the country at Vchannel Celebrity Night Out at Troy Lounge in Lagos.
Emeka, while fielding questions from April and Bridget, presenters from the cable station on state of the nation said Nigeria should not follow the footsteps of United Kingdom (UK) that legalized same-sex marriage recently.
‘Knowing our penchant for ‘copying’ others I want to plead with Nigerians not to encourage same sex marriage. I don’t hate gay but I don’t support gay marriage either. God does not want it, our culture forbids it. We should not encourage what is not right.
This is about defending whatever is left of our culture. Nigeria should not go the way of UK, we are people of culture. I want our legislators to stick to their guns and not legalise what will be eroding our culture and make us godless people’.

He also spoke about family, acting and the lingering AGN crisis. Actors, Chidi Mokeme and Yomi Fash Lanso were at the event to support one of their own.
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