Tuesday 19 March 2013

Hillary Clinton Support Gay Marriage.

Her declaration of support for LGBT marriage puts her views in line with the top contenders for 2016, and has many speculating (why hello, ostensbily every website, major news network, and morning show out there) that Mrs. Clinton is readying herself to snag the Democratic nomination. She's setting herself up to be in a good position if she wants to, no?
Also, here's something else to think about: new national poll numbers from the Washington Post and ABC indicate 58 percent of the population think same-sex marriage should be legal; 36 percent think it should be illegal. That's a jump in support for the issue.
So, what's your take: Is Hillary Clinton setting herself up for a walk into the 2016 Democratic nomination, or is she merely standing up for an issue in which she believes? Or is it too early to tell, and goodness gracious, we should just lay off!?

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